• It’s been pretty toasty hot this week. I’m hesitant to moan about it because we’ve endured a pretty damp and grey summer. So let’s just say I’m glad the temp is back in the comfortab;e mid twenties today.
  • I’m fortunate that my kids are approaching an age where they are pretty self sufficient and are almost old enough to be left unsupervised for a period of time, so I’m on the tail end of the extra bit of headwork that school holidays bring and how to juggle child care with work.
  • Some interesting challenges this week around resourcing continuous improvement whilst also doing new stuff. I think we need some sort of development roadmap for the system in question so that we’ve got something to hang conversations on for colleagues to understand what the priorities are/should be and where any pinch points might occur.
  • Small(er) organisations don’t usually the luxury of product/service owners, so for me it’s a question of where can that role sit so that someone is thinking of the whole to avoid the pitfalls of teams/individuals optimising locally but not understanding the wider context and the problems it might cause.
  • This is something I’m particularly concsious of at the moment where we’re trying to delegate responsibility to operational teams to increase ownership, and frankly create more capacity for change to avoid our team becoming a bottleneck due to limited capacity. To quote Turn the Ship Around, move authority to where the information is. That however can only be done if there is sufficient competence and clarity.
  • On a related note, lots I agree with here in Phil’s reflections on the service standard in local government. Some of this stuff is really hard to scale down in to relatively smaller orgs – https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/does-service-standard-work-local-government-part-two-phil-rumens-7meze/

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