Weeknotes S1 E3 (2019 Edition)
Despite tangling with a variety of things that defied a timely or permanent resolution, I’ve ended the week feeling pretty good. *shrugs shoulders* Yeah.. I don’t really understand it either.…
Despite tangling with a variety of things that defied a timely or permanent resolution, I’ve ended the week feeling pretty good. *shrugs shoulders* Yeah.. I don’t really understand it either.…
Inspired by Jukesie’s Ambition posts, I thought I’d have a go at setting out some goals for myself for the year ahead. I will check in on these at quarterly…
Last week I gave myself three things to focus on. Get more rest Mitigate the effects of a soul crushing commute Finalise my goals list for 2019 How did I…
I’m thinking out loud here as a means to explore some stuff that isn’t yet entirely coherent in my head.. so I reserve the right to meander and/or be entirely…
A short anecdote about Housing Associations and expectations in the digital age. A colleague recently received some feedback on one of our public facing smartphone apps (I’m paraphrasing here a…
Weeknotes S1 E1 (2019 Edition) And so it begins (.. and hopefully continues) I’ve been doing… So, first proper week back to the routine. I’ve felt a bit “bleeuuurrrgh” due…
An example of a service roadmap for a Housing Association. “A roadmap is a plan that shows how a product or service is likely to develop over time.” I’ve been…
I really missed writing regular weeknotes last year, so I’m determined to get back into the practice this year. To create a habit I usually find it’s helpful to have…
This is a user manual for working with me. It’s a way of conveying to others how I prefer to work. This is particularly useful when working with people for…
I’m reading a book at the moment about focusing on ‘your one thing’ (review forthcoming in separate post). Your one thing = Your mission statement, your purpose in life, your…