Holiday Inbox And The Three Stages of Digital Transformation.

Hello! Happy Friday! Four day weeks are pretty awesome huh? Although it strangely feels like I packed five days work in four. Makes me wonder if those lobbying for shorter more productive working hours are on to something.

Anyway, here’s what I’ve been doing this week plus some stuff I’ve read and watched.

I’ve been working on…

First day back on Tuesday after a week and a bit being out of the office. Job number 1 was to contend with the dreaded holiday inbox. There’s few things as demotivational as wading through a week of accumilated work.

Given that I’ve recently started experimenting with kanban, I thought I’d try something a bit different for sifting through my inbox and picking out what needed action and what could be ignored/binned.

This proved to work pretty well. In about 40 minutes I’d sorted through a weeks worth of email, deleted the crud and arranged my workload on the board.

I need to get around to writing that follow up Kanban post. I’ve gleaned a few useful lessons since the original post and I’m eager to scribble that down before it evacuates my brain.

What else?

Not much to report to be honest! The team has been somewhat depleted this week, so I’ve been mucking in and doing the day to day stuff that comes through the department.

That actually served as a useful prompt to think about how we can streamline some of our daily workflow to make life easier. We also desperately need an internal wiki or something to serve as a documentation repository for all our different systems. Being a relatively small department, nobody really gets the luxury of having a niche so we need a way of documenting how stuff works for cross cover.

I’ve been reading…

I’ve been watching/listening to…

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