It’s been another busy working week. There are three major peices of work in-flight at the moment that all require delivery between now and April. It does feel like a delicate act of plate spinning to keep the urgent stuff in focus and on the rails, whilst also insuring that the important stuff behind it is also carfully sheparded along. I enjoy the focus of this kind of work, but what I miss is that because it’s all delivery all the time, there’s not much time or space for thinking and exploring. I’d like to rebalance that post-April because the risk of constantly doing is that you miss opportunities to improve and/or get stuck in a rut.
This was the week that I removed Twitter.. I mean.. X, from my phone. The final straw were the spammy notifications trying to draw my attention to things that I has zero interest in. I made the decision mid-December to stop actively using X because every so often I’d encounter a tweet or an advert that would remind me that outside my curated follower bubble, the platform is turning into a place that I didn’t want to contribute anything toward. I’ve left my account dormant in the slim hope that someone or something will salvage X and take it in a better direction. But I think it more likely that it will continue to become shadow of its former self whilst it’s competitors seek to emulate the things that most people used Twitter for. I’d say Threads has the best chance at this, although for me personally I don’t think I’m interested in the algorithmic firehose of content anymore because this model is part and parcel of some of the awful things that drive modern social media platforms.
Interesting post on revisiting the motivations of the luddites. What we all tend to hear about the luddites is that they resisted technological progress through the desctruction of automated looms. What is less well known is that the luddite movement was actually about the destruction of a skilled trade and decent working conditions. In its place came factories and automated looms. And even though the new looms needed supervision, the loom workers were replaced with children who they could pay less whilst producing more. It’s not too difficult to look at Amazon and Uber for modern examples of eroding the social contract of work. –
As someone who starting using the Internet when dial up modems were a thing, this post about a more human and less algorithmic Internet really resonated with me. I don’t think we’re likely to get away from the concept of a ‘for you’ page anytime soon, but I think there’s space for human curation also. –
I learned this week of a web based wardley mapping tool, which is useful. If I understand the fucntion of this correctly, it also enables the capture of a wardley map as code. –