Happy new year! I hope the first week of January has been kind to you.
I took some holiday leave before Christmas, so I’m returning from a very welcome 2 week break. During which I decided to disconnect from work to give my brain a rest and replenish my reserves. As ever, work doesn’t tend to come to a neat halt just because I’m heading out on leave, so I compiled a hand over document of the things that were important or urgent that might pop up whilst I was off. This document proved to be really handy in trying to pick the thread of work back up this week and made it a lot easier to get up to speed again.
I struggle with January blues. It might be because I bloody love Christmas so much, and by comparison have always felt a bit ‘meh’ about New Years Eve. And it could of course be some of the blowback from the festive season merryment (hello cheese and booze!). However, understanding this about myself means I can better navigate my way out of the initial January funk. As I was describing to someone this week, often it’s putting one foot in front of another and soon enough you’ll feel like you’re back into the rhythm of things again.
I listened to the very first episode of the Cautionary Tales Podcast, which was about a tanker captain who steered his ship on to the rocks because he ignored a series of critical bit of information due to time pressure. This is because we all have a Continuation Bias. eg. to continue with a plan even if it’s no longer viable. Link to episode: https://pca.st/episode/c34173a8-c171-4b92-a7d1-d177d7bcd379
I’m navigating some work related changes at the moment, so I’m paying closer attention to my own thoughts and feelings than usual to see if I can spot any emerging patterns and do something about it. See also careful monitoring of January blues. To do this, I’ve doubled down on my routine of capturing thoughts each day in Logseq. That’s worked pretty well this week and I’ve hit a good sustainble rhythm regardless of the shape of the working day. It feels weirdly uncomfortable to write something in such an unfiltered way which is purely for my own consumption, and it’s odd how often I can read something written only a few days ago that seems like it was written by someone else with a different perspective. Perhaps that’s representative of how often our own perspectives and thoughts contantly evolve as you take in more information or circumstances change.
I was hoping to write a bit of a forwarding looking post for ambitions for 2024, inspired by Juksie who does this with an openess and consistency I aspire to. I was slightly scuppered of not finding the space before Christmas to reflect, then not wanting to think about work whilst I was off. And this week was a bit of a sprint start to the new year. I know, excuses excuses! But I’d like to find some brain space over the weekend to ponder the future and where I’d like to be this time next year.
One thought on “Weeknotes – Ending 05/01/24”
Nice weeknotes Neil! Solidarity on the failing to get an ambitions for 24 post out – mine’s a work in progress too!
Nice weeknotes Neil! Solidarity on the failing to get an ambitions for 24 post out – mine’s a work in progress too!