• This week has been a bit of a test of resilience!
    • We’re at that point in the school year where there are lots of trips, which added a layer of complexity on top of the usual routine.
    • Our car developed a major mechanical fault.
    • One of the kids got locked out.. twice.
    • Essentally this week can get in the bin.
  • I swapped out our three Google Nest Wifi points with two TP-Link Deco Xe75‘s. We’ve got thick stone walls that are not very WiFi friendly. The Deco’s have the advantage of having a wired backhaul which is very handy.
  • I finished watching season 2 of Avenue 5. Pretty good!
  • I got an invite to BlueSky. Thanks @Kuperus!
  • I remain quite enamoured with Mastodon.

Interesting things…

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