Woo! Friday!! 🙌

I’ve got a wild ambition to publish three posts today, so these are going to have to be succinct notes from the week (no.. really.. I mean it this time).

I’ve been doing/thinking about…

  • I’ve remembered that it’s important not to make work in progress look too polished. Sometimes my google drawings look more final when in reality they’re not much more than a scrawl. The scrawl is an important part of communicating the unfinishedness of the thing. Must be more mindful of this!
  • I went to an event about the HACT UK Housing Data Standard. I’m cheerleading for it as much as I can. It’s a huge part of better joining the dots up for excellent service delivery. As a representative of a singular organisation there’s only so much I can do, but collectively we can move mountains. I wrote some thoughts about it which you can read here: https://neiltamplin.me/thoughts-from-implementing-the-hact-uk-housing-data-standard-5face8b8b26f
  • I’ve been having some excellent chats related to getting started with user research. Lots of brilliant people blazing a trail in Local Government, and a few examples in social housing. What I’m tying to figure out is how to appropriately scale it down. I’ve got a post brewing on this that probably won’t make it out of my brain today, but I’ll try and churn it out next week.

I’ve been reading…

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