Shwmae! Notes from the week incoming!
I’ve been doing/thinking…
- I finished my induction at V2C. It’s been nice to have a introduction to the organisation, where it’s been and where it’s going. As a new person, it helps give confidence to think differently and try new things safe in the knowledge that they’re aligned with the desired direction of travel.
- Speaking of culture, the office is undergoing a bit of a refresh, but more exciting than that, it’s desgined to accomodate different modes of work other than desk based, 9–5. Also gels nicely with the principles of adult to adult relationships and focusing on outcomes not time spent in office chair.
- Had some more excellent chats with people who have experience of getting started with service design. For new readers — the question I’m exploring is how to scale the approach/strategy down. I’ve got a 80% written post about this that I need to publish (.. for my own sanity).
- It’s been a bit of a ‘wade through treacle’ type week, but even small amounts of forward progress is still progress, yeah?
- I’ve had some excellent chats with colleagues about user research and how we might put some of their recent learning to practical use for a peice of work that’s currently underway to validate some assumptions about user needs.
- Those lovely people from HACT posted my Data Standards post on their site. Which is nice. 🙂 (tell your friends about the UK Housing Data Standard)
I’ve been reading…
- Helping Croydon Council build a digital strategy in a digital way. - Prototyping postcards. - When pioneering companies fail. - Reccomendations, conversations and trails: finding the right technical partners. - How to conduct the best user interviews? Don’t interview. - “We’ve made the GOV.UK Design System more accessible.” - A 5-point checklist for complex challenges.