Weekly Braindump is a curated list of things I’ve worked on, thought about, listened to or read during the last 7 days.
I’ve been working on…
- Gave Map A List a go for the community asset mapping project. It takes addresses from a Google sheet and plots them on a Google map which can be embedded elsewhere. When new rows are added to the sheet, the pins on the map dynamically update. Without being able to spend a lot more time on it, this seems like a pretty workable solution.
- Inched the test for the digital board papers ahead. Now have the document repository setup. Have asked my colleague to dump some previous board papers in there and see how workable it would be in reality (are there any unforeseen issues?). If that works, we’ll arm a couple of board members with the iPad app and do some user research.
- It’s been an admin heavy catch up week — so lots of timesheets, tallying leave, checking in on helpdesk support etc. etc. I need to try and do this more regularly so it doesn’t build up into big (soul destroying) house keeping blocks.
I’ve been thinking about…
- Lots of nudge behaviour stuff this week. We have new IT systems in place and despite having got out there really early with the messaging of what they were and what they did, I’m still seeing signs that it didn’t land. Some people remain resistant to making the leap. Need to reflect on the causes of that to avoid repeating the same mistake again.
- Digital Services — if you want people to use them, design them so well they are the preferred option. Excellent point made at #LGGDS earlier this week.
I’ve been reading…
- A reminder from Peter Hall that Housing isn’t immune from disruption. Have a plan to disrupt yourself lest you be disrupted!
https://peterhall1.wordpress.com/2016/09/17/a-complicated-business-doesnt-have-to-be-complex-the-case-for-disrupting-simplifying-social-housing/ - Maloney’s 16% rule : Once you have reached 16% adoption of any innovation, you must change your messaging and media strategy from one based on scarcity, to one based on social proof. whatsthepont surfaced this one last week and I’ve been thinking about it a lot.
http://weplay.co/the-16-rule/ - Digital is enabling entirely new business models for renting and buying property. It’s a matter of time until we see an entrant into the affordable housing market.
http://www.standard.co.uk/comment/comment/rohan-silva-proptech-yet-another-area-where-london-is-leading-the-world-a3348461.html - Really good long read on the possible health and care applications for Amazon Echo. IMHO, invisible interfaces (chatbot/voice) are going to be hugely important when everything is connected to everything else. By Maneesh Juneja.
http://maneeshjuneja.com/blog/2016/9/17/health-conversations - Seemingly, nobody wants to work in an office any more.(HT antonyslumbers)
http://www.cmswire.com/digital-workplace/ditch-your-office-watch-employee-productivity-soar - Interesting times for Welsh Housing Associations as the Office of National Statistics ponder whether they should be re-classified as public sector.
http://blogs.cardiff.ac.uk/thinking-wales/2016/09/22/a-silent-storm-the-reclassification-of-welsh-housing-associations/ - This is a really interesting read on the creation of a new ‘Operating System’ framework for organisational design.
https://medium.com/the-ready/the-os-canvas-8253ac249f53#.izj3nsnq2 - Abhay Adhikari describes a really interesting concept for victims of domestic violence. Chatbot + Snapchat. Help hidden in plain sight.
https://medium.com/@gopaldass/can-we-get-a-chatbot-on-snapchat-to-talk-about-domestic-violence-f11cc7ba3845#.z423eqgb0 - Self employment is precarious work. We need to sort this out if the gig economy is going to be anything other than exploitative.
http://blogs.lse.ac.uk/businessreview/2016/09/12/self-employment-is-precarious-work/ - Cities of the future will be great.. if we can figure out how to make them affordable.
https://www.fastcoexist.com/3063714/how-to-build-the-perfect-city/the-cities-of-the-future-will-be-great-if-we-figure-out-how-to - The Social Housing Hype Cycle : Plotting the maturity of different types of technology. From Innovation Trigger to Productivity Plateau.
http://innovationlaunchpad.org/business/housing-hype-cycle/ - Removing the waffle and jargon from your spoken and written communication means people understand + remember what you say!
http://barodcic.blogspot.co.uk/2016/09/swansea-really-does-have-jargon-busters.html - Dyfrig Williams’s GovCamp Cymru pitch : How can behaviour change theory help to embed ideas generated at unconferences into organisations?
I’ve been listening to…
- TED Audio Talk — Why you should know how much your co-worker is paid.