Weekly Braindump is a curated list of things I’ve worked on, thought about, read or listened to during the last 7 days.

I’ve been working on…

  • Always interesting where a simple question like “Why do the water charges on this rent statement look a bit weird?” takes you. Sometimes it’s a bit like doing archeology. Digging down layers of organisational decisions, many of which people have long forgotten about or have no context for.
  • Doing infrastructure type stuff for an as yet unannounced thing.

I’ve been thinking about…

  • The importance of getting outside of your sector bubble. More on that here : https://neiltamplin.me/breaking-out-of-the-social-housing-bubble-2a3772446077#.63fx9k6aq
  • I’ve been reading up on a lot of Service Design this week. Has got me thinking about how deliberate we are in designing digital for our users. Much of this is broadly dependent on whatever internal system has been procured. As we all become technology companies, I wonder how long we can keep abdicating these design decisions to others, particularly the most visible user facing bits.

I’ve been reading…

I’ve been listening to…

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