Hello!Happy Friday! I’ve been off on holidays this week so no new ruminations to share with you. HOWEVER, during my down time I’ve obviously been doing a terrible job of disconnecting from the Internet as evidenced by this small crop of links I’ve accidentally managed to collect . Enjoy!
Normal service resumes next week with Braindump #50!
I’ve been reading…
- Innovation rarely happens quickly.
by Paul Taylor. - Conferencing and unconferencing.
by @Saral0ng - The fifth week.
by Dave Floyd. - Cabinet Office Policy School, Day 1.
by Sam Villis. - The Work of Civil Society.
https://medium.com/@simongterry/the-work-of-civil-society-319a2f3a614f - My rubber duck charts a course.
by Katie Attwood. - Free money at the edge of the tech boom.
https://www.theatlantic.com/technology/archive/2017/10/stockton_ubi_basic_income/543036/ - Some principles for blogging.
https://medium.com/@BenHolliday/some-principles-for-blogging-d7dc78ca6cd3 - Google Deepmind AI just learned how to master GO without any data other than the basic rule set.
http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/technology-41668701 - Math suggests inequality can be fixed with wealth redistribution, not tax cuts.
https://motherboard.vice.com/en_us/article/xwge9a/math-suggests-inequality-can-be-fixed-with-wealth-redistribution-not-tax-cuts - The importance of putting ‘social’ in social media.
https://www.slideshare.net/Entiendo/top-tips-on-beingsocial-80928752 - It’s okay to talk about mental health.
I’ve been listening to…
- BBC Click: Virgin supersonic and space travel.
http://pca.st/zm6n - TED Talks: The new age of corporate monopolies — Margrethe Vestager
http://pca.st/X6Tp - BBC Thinking Allowed: Whither the Welfare State?
http://pca.st/fAmI - Wired: Upvote 16 — Inside political war games with Labour’s digital guru.
http://pca.st/Wqyk - Institute of Welsh Affairs: Economic regeneration.
http://pca.st/TL8a - Moonshot #8: The age of the robot.